الأربعاء، 29 نوفمبر 2023



VeteranMOD team presents to your attention public beta version of our mod for ArmA 3 

This version is designed primarily to demonstrate new and reviewed features of the game, as well as the general direction of our work. In the beta version includes :

 • system for equipping units, which includes body armor, universal transport vests, helmets, hats and much more • extended injuries system and first aid • infantry units for the BLUE4 and RED4 - U.S. Marine Corps and Russian Army Mechanized Infantry (RF MI), appropriate firearms both sides • RF MI Reconnaissance units • Irregular units, militias • varied firearms • reworked sounds for small arms • advanced simulation of fragments for hand grenades, RPGs and HE rounds • backblast simulation for RPGs, MANPADS and handheld ATGMs • 
enhanced sights • a new types of weapon crates • new animations • reworked visual FX



خلافاَ للإعتقاد السائد فإن لوريم إيبسوم ليس نصاَ عشوائياً، بل إن له جذور في الأدب اللاتيني الكلاسيكي منذ العام 45 قبل الميلاد، مما يجعله أكثر من 2000 عام في القدم. قام البروفيسور "ريتشارد ماك لينتوك"

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